Service Areas


Dealing with depression and anxiety is never easy, and finding someone to talk to about it can be difficult. While friends and family offer love and support, they never seem to say the right thing. Where do you turn to for help?

Long Island NY | Great Neck

Nassau County Psychologist for Anxiety and Depression

Everyone has negative thoughts from time to time. For some individuals, these thoughts may be irritating, for others, they may be all-consuming and debilitating. If you find yourself overcome by disturbing obsessional thoughts, you may feel there is no way out. These negative thoughts may be symptoms of anxiety, depression or both.


Mindfulness Treatment For Anxiety

Uncertainty may be understood as the basis for worrying. Once we become certain, worrying stops. The more uncertain we are, the more opportunity we have for worrying, and the more we worry the more anxious we’ll ultimately feel.

Whitestone NY
Robert M. Cristal Ph.D