Panic, Anxiety and Depression Psychologist in
Roslyn, Great Neck, Jericho and surround area
Anxiety and Depression have many overlapping symptoms and yet evolve very differently. Anxiety may be viewed as stemming from a pervasive sense of vulnerability in the face of perceived threat or attack, real or apparent. Depression, on the other hand, is derived from feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
Roslyn, Great Neck, Jericho, and surrounding area – Anxiety
Anxiety is an emotional experience characterized by unpleasant and persistent mental tension, a pervasive sense of vulnerability, worrying, catastrophic thinking and an intolerance of uncertainty. In fact, with increasing levels of uncertainty anxiety worsens. Under certain circumstances anxiety may have a beneficial influence, as when it heightens our alertness and motivates us to take affirmative action. However, escalating levels of anxiety can lead to increased worrying, apprehension, nervousness and tension to a degree that interferes with our ability to carry out one's activities of daily life, or may even lead to total incapacitation; heightened levels of anxiety are often accompanied by sleep disturbance, impaired concentration, intrusive thoughts and racing thoughts, by physical complaints such as headaches and other pain and discomfort, palpitations and rapid heartbeat, jitteriness, excessive sweating, cold extremities, shortness of breath as well as dizziness and light headedness
Roslyn, Great Neck, Jericho, and surrounding area – Depression
Depression is a mood disorder characterized by a pessimistic style of thinking, a sense of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness and a general feeling of inadequacy. The predominant mood is one of pervasive sadness, often with irritability. Depression is frequently accompanied by a noticeable change in appetite with either significant weight loss or weight gain, not attributable to dieting, a noticeable change in sleeping patterns such as restless sleep, inability to sleep, early morning awakening, or sleeping too much, loss of energy, fatigue, inappropriate feelings of guilt, inability to concentrate or think clearly, indecisiveness as well as a loss of interest or pleasure in activities formerly enjoyed.
Roslyn, Great Neck, Jericho, and surrounding area – Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety is experienced as an intense feeling of discomfort and vulnerability. It is typically triggered by a fear of interacting with other people, usually during a first meeting, where the individual anticipates being judged negatively, or closely scrutinized and having his/her “flaws” discovered.
Social anxiety is often associated with a fear of meeting and socializing with “new” people, where the individual is uncertain of acceptance. If compelled to socialize in such a situation, s/he may appear awkward, self-conscious, shy or timid and thoroughly uncomfortable in the setting. Social anxiety may also occur in situations where the individual is performing publicly in front of others, even where s/he is already familiar with those in attendance, such as in a classroom setting.
In the more extreme form of social anxiety, the individual may avoid eating out in public, shopping in public or even walking in one’s own neighborhood for fear of being judged. Social anxiety can result in the avoidance of many social situations, ultimately, it can lead to a state of social isolation.
Roslyn, Great Neck, Jericho, and surrounding area – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by recurring distressful obsessions (persistent thoughts or ideas) or compulsions (pressured or uncontrollable behavior) which can be significant enough to interfere with one’s normal daily routine. The individual usually regards the thoughts or behaviors as unreasonable, but uncontrollable. The obsessional thought generates anxiety which the compulsive act is meant to assuage. Attempts at resisting either the obsession or the compulsion may lead to a dramatic worsening in anxiety.
Roslyn, Great Neck, Jericho, and surrounding area – Panic and Phobia
Panic and Phobia panic can be regarded as an episode of intense fear or severe, acute anxiety; often episodes of panic are associated with an anticipated loss of control and the feeling of being trapped, with an associated need to escape. One powerful fear often accompanying panic and the anticipated loss of control is the fear of embarrassing oneself. A frequent trigger of panic episodes is the anticipation of panic. In fact, panic is often considered a fear of fear. Phobia, or more precisely specific phobia, is an intense and persistent irrational fear or anxiety associated with a specific object, situation, or activity. In both panic and phobia, because of the intense nature of the fear and the resulting avoidance behavior, the individual experiences significant impairment in the conduct of his/her daily life.
Roslyn, Great Neck, Jericho, and surrounding area – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a disorder which can occur as a consequence to directly experiencing or witnessing life-threatening events such as terrorist incidents, military combat, natural disasters, serious accidents, or violent personal assaults like rape or mugging. This disorder can also result from protracted childhood or spousal abuse. The experience must have produced intense fear, helplessness or horror. Either soon after the incident or delayed by 6-months or longer, the individual may begin to experience flashbacks, recurring and intrusive memories of the event, feelings of emotional detachment or, emotional numbing, guilt, nightmares and other sleep problems, hyper-vigilance, extreme startle reaction as well as other physical and psychological complaints.
Roslyn, Great Neck, Jericho, and surrounding area – Stress and Anxiety
Stress Related Disorders are disorders in which psychological factors such as stress and anxiety lead to temporary physical complaints such as headaches and other physical discomfort or worse, contribute to the development of various chronic systemic illnesses, such as irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and stroke; increased susceptibility to infectious disease may also occur as a result of psychological stress interfering with the functioning of the autoimmune system. Stress and anxiety have also been found to contribute to problems of impotence and infertility.
Roslyn, Great Neck, Jericho, and surrounding area – Anger and Rage
Anger is a strong passion or emotion conveying displeasure or antagonism, and may range in intensity from mild irritation to fury and rage. Anger may lead to either positive or negative outcomes. In a positive vein, anger may be considered an empowering emotion, often helpful in defending against and overcoming our feelings of psychological paralysis: feelings of powerlessness, helplessness and resignation, which are generally associated with depression, frustration and fear. Alternatively, anger which is unrelenting, seething and pernicious, and especially when suppressed, may result in various systemic illnesses such as high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke as well as severe intra-psychic distress and interpersonal and marital conflict.
Rage or Anger that is inappropriate to the extreme and where the individual experiences his/her anger as "out of control" or explosive may lead to even more disastrous psychological, medical or legal consequences.
To contact Dr. Cristal, please click here.